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Figure 2 | BMC Biology

Figure 2

From: Differential affinity of mammalian histone H1 somatic subtypes for DNA and chromatin

Figure 2

Displacement of histone H1 from chromatin by SAR DNA. (A) A chromatin sample containing 20 μg of DNA was titrated with a SAR fragment (657 bp). Displaced H1 formed an insoluble complex with the SAR that was separated by centrifugation. The inset shows the H1 remaining on the chromatin. The experimental points were fitted to a hyperbolic function. (B) A plot of [H1Chr]/[Chr]free on the ordinate and [H1SAR]/[SAR]free on the abscissa gives a straight line. The slope of the line corresponds to k Chr/k SAR. The points are the average of three experiments. The bars show the interval spanned by the extreme values.

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