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Figure 2 | BMC Biology

Figure 2

From: Dual control by a single gene of secondary sexual characters and mating preferences in medaka

Figure 2

Screening for potentially attractive/unattractive strains. (a) Male mating preferences between HNI and b g8females. The choice females are indicated on top and bottom (n = 16; 8 for each). Dotted vertical lines represent individual test males (n = 16), and each circle on the lines shows a result from each mate-choice experiment (4-8 experiments for each male; see Methods). Colors indicate strains: HNI (brown), b g8(orange), ci (gray), i 3 (white), OlMA1-DsRed2 (red), and OlMA1-GFP (green). The shaded box with a horizontal bar shows the mean and 95% confidence limits. An asterisk indicates that male approaches in the experiment were not random (50:50) according to the two-tailed binomial test (gray, P < 0.01; black, P < 0.001). (b) Female mating preferences. The identical 88 experiments in Figure 2a were differently analyzed to evaluate female mating preferences (upper, HNI; lower, b g8). Colors of circles indicate strains of males with which the females spawned. (c) Male mating preferences between females of various strains. Males (n = 8; 2 each from b g8, ci, OlMA1-DsRed2, and OlMA1-GFP strains) were given choices of all female combinations of the four strains (n = 16; 4 for each strain). Note that the 95% confidence limits do not include 50:50 only when ci is used as a choice female. ci females are significantly less attractive than b g8and OlMA1-DsRed2 (but not OlMA1-GFP) females according to the one-way repeated measures ANOVA and the post-hoc least significant difference (LSD) test (F 3,21 = 5.197, P = 0.008; see Methods).

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