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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: Generation of an integrated Hieracium genomic and transcriptomic resource enables exploration of small RNA pathways during apomixis initiation

Fig. 1

Sexual and aposporous gametophyte development in Hieracium. Hieracium ovaries contain a single ovule. Specification of the megaspore mother cell (MMC) occurs at the MMC stage in ovules of both sexual (top) and aposporous (bottom) species. At the functional megaspore (FM) stage, meiosis has occurred and aposporous ovules contain aposporous initial (AI) cells in addition to a meiotic tetrad where the FM is expanding. Within sexual ovules, the FM undergoes mitosis, generating a meiotically reduced gametophyte. Within aposporous ovules, the AI cell initiates a mitotic program to generate an unreduced aposporous gametophyte, and the adjacent sexual tetrad with enlarging FM degrades. Within aposporous ovules, the aposporous embryo sac will initiate fertilization-independent embryo and endosperm development to generate a clonal seed, whereas sexual ovules require fertilization (not shown). For additional details of sexual and apomictic development, refer to the text (Additional file 1)

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