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Fig. 1. | BMC Biology

Fig. 1.

From: Q&A: Trash talk: disposal and remote degradation of neuronal garbage

Fig. 1.

Neurons can sort and throw out the trash. a Exophers are large compared to exosomes and microvesicles. b Organelles can be extruded in exophers. Mitochondrially-localized green mito-GFP (M) and non-targeted red mCherry can be seen in the ALMR neuron (S soma, E exopher). The soma stains with DAPI nuclear DNA strain (N, purple), but the exopher does not, supporting exophers are not the outcome of classic cell division. Some mitochondria and most of the mCherry are localized to the exopher compartment, which is attached by a thin connecting tube (C); A axon; nearby nuclei are blue. c Cartoon summarizing how a neuron that expresses both aggregating mCherry (red) and soluble GFP (green) fluorescent markers can preferentially sort most of the red aggregating protein to the exopher (E), while retaining most of the soluble GFP in the soma (S). Note that as is clear in the real image in b, some mCherry can be retained in the soma, though levels usually appear less than in the extruded exopher

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