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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: A Go-type opsin mediates the shadow reflex in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii

Fig. 3

Requirement of the Platynereis shadow reflex on cirral extremities, but not rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells. a Shadow Response Success Rate (SRSR) of wildtype (black, n = 44) and sibling wildtype animals with peristomal and anal cirri removed (green, n = 44) under six different light conditions. Whiskers in the box plot indicate the range of scores; means are indicated with a cross whilst individual scores are plotted as diamonds. Significance scores (* < 0.05) of P values of Mann–Whitney U tests are displayed above boxes comparing Cirri+ and Cirri animals (see also Additional file 4). b SRSR of untreated wildtype worms (black, n = 23), wildtype animals (purple, n = 23) and r-opsin1::egfp-f2a-ntr transgenic worms (cyan, n = 22) treated with 12 mM of metronidazole in 0.02% DMSO under six different light conditions. Whiskers in the box plot indicate the range of scores; means are indicated with a cross whilst individual scores are plotted as diamonds. No significant differences were found between tested groups, as calculated according to whether the difference between medians (calculated using Hodges–Lehmann non-parametric estimator) exceeded 95% confidence intervals

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