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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: Functional architecture underlying binocular coordination of eye position and velocity in the larval zebrafish hindbrain

Fig. 3

Monocular and binocular cell maps. a–d Transversal, sagittal, and dorsal views for MRE and binocular neurons in the hindbrain (see Additional file 1: Figure S1a-b for mirror-symmetric MLE neurons). Pooled neurons in each figure had the highest correlation to the appropriate regressors mentioned in the legend. A, anterior; ABN, abducens nucleus; BA, binocular always; BP, binocular preferred; D, dorsal; L, left; M, Mauthner cells; MRE, monocular right eye; P, position/posterior; R, right; r, regressor; rh 5-8, rhombomeres 5-8; V, ventral/velocity; each coloured ball represents one neuron identified in one fish. Shaded areas in subfigure a show the location of motoneurons expressed in the transgenic Tg(mnx1:TagRFP-T)vu504Tg line (mean vertices position plus standard deviation of three 5 dpf old fish). Sparse, single labelled neurons in the dorsal region have not been highlighted [34]

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