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Fig. 3. | BMC Biology

Fig. 3.

From: Stimulus-specific behavioral responses of zebrafish to a large range of odors exhibit individual variability

Fig. 3.

Metrics for quantifying behavioral responses of adult zebrafish to ecologically relevant odorants. Change in seven behavioral response metrics during the first 2 min following odor delivery (Additional file 6: Data S2). a Velocity, b percentage of burst swimming, c number of abrupt turns, d horizontal swimming, e vertical swimming, f freezing, and g vertical position in the arena. The filled gray bars indicate significant differences from the water control, indicated by an arrowhead (Mann-Whitney U test; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001, see Additional file 8: Table S2 for all p values). Data are represented as median ± standard deviation deviation. Odors are sorted according to their average response for a given metric. Food-related odors are in green, social-related odors in blue, decay odors in magenta, and alarm odors in red. e Water control in black. For convenience, a version of the histograms in ag without resorting is also available in Additional file 7: Fig. S2. h Pairwise correlation (see the “Methods” section) between all behavioral metrics in ag. i Variability of behavioral metrics across different fish. The average correlation (black line) between the average odor responses of all fish is plotted for all metrics. High correlations indicate low variability. The gray shaded area indicates SEM. Significant differences from the null distribution are indicated by the asterisk symbol (*) (permutation test, see the “Methods” section)

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