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Fig. 3. | BMC Biology

Fig. 3.

From: Genome-wide pQTL analysis of protein expression regulatory networks in the human liver

Fig. 3.

Statistics of pQTLs discovered in human livers. Venn plots of the identified local and distant pQTL variants (a, top) and proteins with local pQTLs and/or distant pQTLs (a, bottom). A pQTL variant associated with multiple proteins was counted once. Distribution of local and distant pQTL variants in genomic regions (b). The number placed on the top of a column indicates the number of pQTL variants found in the specific genomic region. A pQTL variant associated with the expression of multiple proteins can be counted multiple times. For example, if a local pQTL variant was associated with the expression of two proteins, and the variant was located in the CDS region of one protein and the promoter region of another protein, then the variant was counted twice as a local pQTL in both CDS and promoter regions. The number of pQTLs found to be associated with various number of proteins (c, left). Violin plot of the number of pQTL variants per protein (c, right). The median number of pQTL variants per protein was 4

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