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Fig. 5. | BMC Biology

Fig. 5.

From: Pancreatic and intestinal endocrine cells in zebrafish share common transcriptomic signatures and regulatory programmes

Fig. 5.

RNA-seq analysis of EECs and PECs from wild-type and pax6b mutants identifies a set of genes displaying similar Pax6b regulation in both the pancreas and intestine. a, Principal component analysis (PCA) on all EEC and PEC RNA-seq data obtained from wild-type and pax6bsa0086 mutants. The close clustering of the triplicate wild-type and mutant samples demonstrates the high reproducibility of the data. b, d MA plots showing all the upregulated (in blue) and downregulated (in red) genes in the pax6bsa0086 mutant PECs (b) and EECs (d). c Venn diagrams showing the overlap of genes regulated in both EECs and PECs; amongst the 517 regulated genes, 215 and 209 genes are respectively up- and downregulated in both cell types as shown in the blue and red Venn diagrams. e, f Expression ratio (in log2 of fold change from pax6b mutant versus wild-type) of hormones expressed in PECs (e) and in EECs (f); downregulated hormones are in red, upregulated hormones are in blue and not statistically are affected in grey; RNA-seq values are shown in Tables 3 and S4

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