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Fig. 6 | BMC Biology

Fig. 6

From: Precise base editing with CC context-specificity using engineered human APOBEC3G-nCas9 fusions

Fig. 6

Generation of Tyr p.W218Stop rabbits mimic human OCA1 using eA3G-NG system. a Target sequence at the Tyr-4 (p.W218Stop) locus. PAM region (green), target mutation (red), and bystander mutation (blue). b Alignments of mutant sequences of F0 rabbits from T-A cloning. The targeted sequence is underlined. The PAM site and base conversions are shown in green and red, respectively. The column on the right indicates frequencies of mutant alleles. WT, wild-type. T4–1 to T4–5, each individual. c Representative sequencing chromatograms from a WT and mutant rabbit (T4–3). The red arrow indicates the substituted nucleotide. The relevant codon identities at the target site are presented under the DNA sequence. d The predicted editing bar plot based on Sanger sequencing chromatograms from T4–3 by EditR. e Summary of single C-to-T editing frequencies of F0 rabbits at Tyr-4 using eA3G-NG. f Photograph of all five F0 rabbits at 1 week. g H&E staining of dorsal skin from WT and T4–3 rabbits. The green arrows highlight the melanin in the basal layer of the epidermis of WT rabbit. Scale bars 50 μm

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