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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: Aneuploidy-induced proteotoxic stress can be effectively tolerated without dosage compensation, genetic mutations, or stress responses

Fig. 3

Tolerant aneuploid strains do not induce a common proteotoxic stress response signature. Genes involved in stress responses were identified from mRNA-seq (mRNA) and ribosome profiling footprint (FP) datasets. Only genes residing on nonduplicated chromosomes and for which complete datasets were available for all strains were included in the heatmap analysis. The columns labeled with _1 and _2 indicate respective biological replicates of a given strain. The average log2 fold change (FC) mRNA and FP expression levels in the aneuploid strains relative to the WT of all nonduplicated genes involved in a given response were calculated (bar graphs). a Genes involved in the environmental stress response (ESR) (gene list from [28]) were separated in two groups: those induced during the canonical ESR (top) and those repressed (bottom). b Genes induced during the heat shock response (HSR) that are strongly induced across multiple species in response to heat (gene list from [29]). The following figure supplements are available for Fig. 3: Additional file 6: Fig. S4, Additional file 7: Fig. S5 and Additional file 8: Table S3

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