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Fig. 5 | BMC Biology

Fig. 5

From: Single-cell resolution landscape of equine peripheral blood mononuclear cells reveals diverse cell types including T-bet+ B cells

Fig. 5

The CD3+PRF1+ clusters contain various cell types with different gene expression patterns characteristic of cytotoxic lymphocyte function. Clusters within the CD3+PRF1+ lymphocyte major cell group was further analyzed and annotated by differential gene expression. a UMAP subset of CD3+PRF1+ lymphocyte clusters (left) and of re-clustering analysis with putative cluster annotations (right). Selected axis ranges excluded < 5 cells in CD3+PRF1+ group from UMAP subset plot. b Frequency of each cell cluster within the CD3+PRF1+ lymphocyte group per horse. c Hierarchical clustering (integrated PCA dimensions) of CD3+PRF1+ lymphocyte major cell group. d Heatmap of differentially expressed genes (adjusted p value < 0.05, log2 fold-change > 0.58 for each cluster versus all other clusters, expressed > 25% of cluster). e Dot plot of select genes associated with cytotoxic lymphocyte populations differentially expressed across CD3+PRF1+ lymphocyte clusters. Dot size is proportional to number of cells with detectable expression of indicated gene. Dot color intensity indicates average gene expression values scaled across plotted clusters. *Gene ID ENSECAG00000006663 is labeled FCGR3A/B and Gene ID ENSECAG00000031528 is labeled KLRD1 (CD94) based on Ensembl/NCBI annotations. f Hierarchical clustering of equine PBMC scRNA-Seq data (CD3+PRF1+ lymphocyte clusters) and human PBMC scRNA-Seq data (non-naïve CD8+ T cells, NK cells, NKT cells). Median-normalized average expression values for highly variable human/horse one-to-one orthologs were calculated for each cluster, and clustering was performed on Pearson distances by Ward’s method

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