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Fig. 7 | BMC Biology

Fig. 7

From: Evolution of metabolic capabilities and molecular features of diplonemids, kinetoplastids, and euglenids

Fig. 7

Presence/absence patterns of the components of the pre-replication complex in Euglenozoa. The presence of proteins identifiable by BLAST or by HMM-based searches only is shown in blue and yellow, respectively. The presence of a partial or divergent sequence is marked with hatched circles. Circle sizes are proportional to BLAST or HMM E values for corresponding hits. Protein absence in a genome or transcriptome is indicated with black- and gray-filled circles, respectively. A cladogram for the MCM complex subunits is based on maximum-likelihood (LG+F+I+G4, 1000 bootstrap replicates) and Bayesian (WAG+I+G4, one million generations) phylogenetic trees. Numbers at the nodes represent bootstrap supports and posterior probabilities. The species cladogram is based on Fig. 1. Abbreviations: MCM, minichromosome maintenance complex; ORC, origin recognition complex; CDC6, cell division cycle 6; Cdt1, CDC10-dependent transcript 1.

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