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Fig. 4. | BMC Biology

Fig. 4.

From: Lack of redundancy between electrophysiological measures of long-range neuronal communication

Fig. 4.

Changes of power and coupling strength over time during the 10 min open-field test. a, c, e Examples of individual measures of power (a), coherence (c) and wPLI (e) as they behave as population average over the 10 min of novelty-induced activity in the open field (dashed line, mean; shaded area, SEM) with linear interpolation between time points overlaid (solid line) to determine the slope as indicator of temporal changes. b, d, f Average slope (temporal change) of power (b), coherence (d) and wPLI (f) in the indicated regions or connections (top of sub-panel) and frequency bands (x-axis). g, h, i Slope of GC in the frequency bands indicated by greek letters and along the directional connections identified by the colour (blue: dHC➔PFC (g), vHC➔PFC (h), vHC➔dHC (i); orange: reverse of the before). Statistical indicators in the same colour identify a difference between genotypes (t test). j Slope of theta-gamma PAC in the stated directional connections. k Slope of cross-correlation lags indicating putative changes of temporal shifts of the oscillations in the named frequency bands. Black stars indicate significant differences between genotypes (t test), and error bars or shaded regions indicate SEM throughout. #p < 0.1; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p ≤ 0.001

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