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Fig. 2 | BMC Biology

Fig. 2

From: Reorganization of the 3D chromatin architecture of rice genomes during heat stress

Fig. 2

Chromatin 3D structure and gene expression are correlated upon HS in rice. a Comparison of the number of up- and downregulated genes that were divided into cultivar specific and overlapped between Nip and 93-11. b KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of DEGs upon HS in Nip and 93-11, respectively. c, d Heatmap (c) and box plot (d) showing change of expression of autophagy-related genes upon HS in Nip and 93-11, respectively. e Box plot comparing protein coding gene expression fold changes between genes in switch regions (A-B and B-A) and all genes (as a control) upon HS in Nip and 93-11, respectively. p values were calculated by performing a two-sided Wilcoxon test. f Box plot comparing TE expression fold changes between TE in switch regions (A-B and B-A) upon HS in Nip and 93-11, respectively. p values were calculated by performing a two-sided Wilcoxon test. g Scatter plots of significant biological processes as determined by GO enrichment analysis of DEGs in A-B or B-A transition regions upon heat stress in 93-11. h Box plot comparing standard deviation (SD) of gene expression fold change between genes in TAD interiors and randomly selected. p values were calculated by performing a two-sided Wilcoxon test

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