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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: Multi-omic profiling of pituitary thyrotropic cells and progenitors

Fig. 1

a Volcano plot of differential gene expression for GHF-T1 compared to TαT1 cells. Genes with elevated expression in GHF-T1 cells are colored blue, and those elevated in TαT1 cells are colored red. Labeled genes represent key factors and genes associated with GO terms in Table 2. b Heatmap showing similarly and differentially expressed genes across GHF-T1, TαT1, Pit1-Zero, and Pit1-Triple cells. Genes associated with each cluster are presented in Supplemental Table 1. c FPKM values of neuronal sodium channel genes. d FPKM values of potassium channel genes. e FPKM values of calcium channel genes. N = 3/cell line

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