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Fig. 4. | BMC Biology

Fig. 4.

From: Do all mice smell the same? Chemosensory cues from inbred and wild mouse strains elicit stereotypic sensory representations in the accessory olfactory bulb

Fig. 4.

Comparison of responses in each of the two strains. a Population-level correlation distance matrices (i.e., low correlations are associated with large distances) for each of the 5 stimuli in set 1, for neurons recorded in C57 and BC mice. b Correlation between pairwise correlation distances, that is, between corresponding squares in the matrices in a. c Like b but for stimulus set 2 which includes more stimuli (see Fig. 1c). d Like b but for stimulus set 3. e Correlation between population pairwise preference indices for all stimulus pairs except for the four comparisons between wild and wild-derived stimuli, which were never presented in a single stimulus set (resulting in a total of 32 pairwise preference indices: (9•8/2) – 4 = 32, see Fig. 1c). Sample sizes vary for different stimulus pairs but are at least as large as those in panels b–d. See Additional File 3 for the same analysis using alternative population distance metrics

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