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Fig. 5. | BMC Biology

Fig. 5.

From: Do all mice smell the same? Chemosensory cues from inbred and wild mouse strains elicit stereotypic sensory representations in the accessory olfactory bulb

Fig. 5.

Basic stimulus responses for an integrated dataset. a Normalized response matrix (combining the matrices shown in Fig. 3a). b Mean response per stimulus across all neurons in the combined dataset. c Percent of significant responses per stimulus. d Normalized responses to each of the stimuli. e Correlation distances between stimulus pairs in the combined dataset. f Hierarchical clustering tree of population responses to each of the stimuli, based on the correlation distance. g Two-dimensional representation of distances using classical multidimensional scaling of the response distance. In panels b and d, horizontal lines represent significant differences among stimulus pairs using a one-way non-parametric ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis test). Broken lines indicate p values below 0.05, while solid lines indicate values below 0.01. See Additional File 2 for specific p values for this and all other pairwise comparisons. Units in g are arbitrary, but the scaling is equal for both axes

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