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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: Unexpected organellar locations of ESCRT machinery in Giardia intestinalis and complex evolutionary dynamics spanning the transition to parasitism in the lineage Fornicata

Fig. 1

Distribution of ESCRT components within Fornicata. Coulson plot summary depicting ESCRT complement identified in Fornicata genomes and transcriptomes in comparison to pan-eukaryotic representatives. Filled sectors indicate subunits with solidified orthology determined using both comparative genomics and phylogenetics. Numbers within individual sectors represent multiple paralogues. Light coloured sectors indicate ambiguous phylogenetic classification but confirmed reciprocal blast orthology. Taxa for which genomes were available and examined are indicated in plain text whereas lineages where only transcriptomes are indicated with a superscript symbol. Lineages belonging to the paraphyletic group of Carpediemonas-like organisms indicated with an asterisks. Parasitic fornicates are indicated in burgundy. Paralagous ESCRTIII and ESCRTIIIA subunits possessing the SNF7 domain with common evolutionary origins, and for downstream phylogenetic investigations, are underlined. Of important note, only inferences regarding gene presence, not absences, can be made conclusively in the lineages for which only a transcriptome is available

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