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Fig. 5 | BMC Biology

Fig. 5

From: Transcription-dependent confined diffusion of enzymes within subcellular spaces of the bacterial cytoplasm

Fig. 5

Nucleoid occlusion of RibH depends on ongoing transcription. All SPT data taken for the analysis and obtained results are summarized in Table 3. A EAMSD versus time plot for the Rib FP enzyme RibH-mV with and without added Rifampicin for inhibiting transcription by RNAP. B Speed map representations of RibH-mV with and without added Rifampicin displaying the spatial distributions of single step diffusion binned over areas of 0.1 μm2 for normalized cells. C Analysis of JD distribution for RibH-mV with and without added Rifampicin. JD distributions were fitted using up to three Rayleigh distributions. The independent fitting algorithm used was the same as used before. D Model prediction versus observation plots for Rayleigh distribution modeling of JDs in C are displayed. E Bubble plots displaying relative proportions of diffusive populations and their according DCs (Table 3). F Spot location heat maps with respect to different cell size classes for RibH-mV with and without added Rifampicin. For the analysis, cells were divided into three classes yielding small, medium, and large cells. Their respective trajectories were projected onto the two dimensional cytoplasmic area of those classified cells. The likelihood of finding trajectories at a certain place in the cytoplasm is indicated by a color code from white to black (indicated top right to the heat maps). Signal intensities of shown spatial distribution spot location heat maps for different cell sizes have been normalized with each other. Cell size intervals and the respective number of trajectories that have been considered are indicated on top of each heat map. G Subcellular analysis of confined and free trajectories for RibH-mV either with(+) or without(-) added Rifampicin. Displayed are the results using the radii given in Table S2 with three, six, or nine consecutive steps of confinement. The normalized probability is given on the right to the normalized cell representations

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