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Fig. 4 | BMC Biology

Fig. 4

From: Phylotranscriptomics points to multiple independent origins of multicellularity and cellular differentiation in the volvocine algae

Fig. 4

Phylogenetic relationships between Gonium and Astrephomene and between the Tetrabaenaceae and Vitreochlamys ordinata. Four-taxon, unrooted trees were generated by collapsing our single-gene phylogenies. The percentage of single-gene phylogenies representing a specific four-taxon, unrooted tree is represented by the purple, orange, and green bars for trees containing Gonium and Astrphomene, and red, orange, and blue for trees containing the Tetrabaenaceae. A percentage of single-gene phylogenies that show Gonium not sister to Astrephomene represented by the black bar. B percentage of four-taxon, unrooted trees representing specific relationships between Gonium and Astrephomene. C percentage of single-gene phylogenies that show Tetrabaenaceae sister to V. ordinata represented by the black bar. D percentage of four-taxon, unrooted trees representing specific relationships between the Tetrabaenaceae and V ordinata in four-taxon, unrooted trees. For all relationships involving V. ordinata, 39 out of 40 single-gene phylogenies were used due to V. ordinata not appearing in one of the inferences. All single-gene phylogenies were inferred using maximum likelihood under the appropriate evolutionary model as estimated by ProtTest

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