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Fig. 4. | BMC Biology

Fig. 4.

From: Comparative analysis reveals within-population genome size variation in a rotifer is driven by large genomic elements with highly abundant satellite DNA repeat elements

Fig. 4.

Genomic regions of elevated coverage variability are responsible for genome size variation. The data in this figure are based on normalized coverage (calculated for 50-kbp windows) of 29 short-read libraries from 15 rotifer clones. a Genomic regions differ in coverage variability (measured as the standard deviation of coverage among libraries) as there are regions of low, intermediate, and high variability. b, c Mean coverage in regions of elevated coverage variation (interSD, highSD) correlates positively with genome size (flow cytometry data on genome size was taken from [7]). Dots in c represent the mean coverage per library. Colors indicate co-prepared libraries (of which some were prepared from the same rotifer clone, but at different dates and with different library preparation methods; see Table S4). Colors in c correspond to the six library preps (A–F) listed in Table S4: A = orange, B = gold, C = green, D = turquoise, E = blue, and F = pink. d This panel shows the same data as in c, but rotifer clones are categorized into small 2C genome sizes (<430Mbp, which represent the basal genome size of B. asplanchnoidis according to [7]) vs. large genome sizes (>430Mbp, which contain additional genomic elements that independently segregate during meiosis, according to [7])

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