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Fig. 5. | BMC Biology

Fig. 5.

From: Comparative analysis reveals within-population genome size variation in a rotifer is driven by large genomic elements with highly abundant satellite DNA repeat elements

Fig. 5.

PCR-based confirmation of CNV loci. All 15 studied clones from the OHJ population are displayed in order of ascending genome size (from left to right). a PCR products of primers targeting the four candidate loci (non-CNV loci: TA_001F and TA_003F; CNV loci: TA_000F and TA_032F). b Copy numbers of the TA_032F-locus as estimated by ddPCR. Error bars are 95% confidence intervals. c Coverage of the amplified region in sequencing libraries of the same 15 rotifer clones (for comparison). Dots are the average coverages across an entire contig. Colors identify co-prepared sequencing libraries

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