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Fig. 6 | BMC Biology

Fig. 6

From: Comparative analysis reveals within-population genome size variation in a rotifer is driven by large genomic elements with highly abundant satellite DNA repeat elements

Fig. 6

Genome structure of B. asplanchnoidis. a The top 36 repeat elements ranked according to their contribution to the genome. b Differences in repeat element composition between CNV and non-CNV regions. c Differences in the distribution of gene content between CNV and non-CNV regions (top) and the respective proportion of genes derived from gene duplication events (bottom). d Three representative examples of contigs: a “B-contig” consisting almost exclusively of CNV regions (000F), a contig containing a large CNV region at one end (006F), and a non-CNV contig (007F). Top panels display the proportion of each 5-kb window occupied by repeats, intermediate panels display the proportion of each 5-kb window occupied by annotated genes, bottom panels display (exon-)normalized coverages of three rotifer clones (parents: OHJ7i3n2 and OHJ22i3n14, crossed offspring: IK1). Shaded regions indicate CNVs

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