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Fig. 8 | BMC Biology

Fig. 8

From: The mitochondrially-localized nucleoside diphosphate kinase D (NME4) is a novel metastasis suppressor

Fig. 8

Migration and adhesion properties of ZR75-1 cells depleted for NDPK-D. A Representative light microscopy images of ZR75-1 cell wound healing assay. Time 0 represents confluent monolayer wounds at 0 h. Wounds were monitored for 120 h after performing the scratch, in which knockdown monolayers became fully closed. Two different siRNA targeting NME4 were used. Images are representative of three independent biological replicates. Scale bar 100 μm. B Quantification of the wound healing assay shown in A. Data show means ± SEM (n=3). *****p< 0.00001 relative to scramble control (Scr). C) Representative light microscopy images of ZR75-1 dispase-based cell aggregation assay. Images are representative of three independent biological replicates; at least fifty pictures were analyzed for each replicate. Two different siRNA targeting NME4 were used. Scale bar 50 μm. D The size of the aggregates observed in C is depicted as the area of their horizontal projections. Data show means ± SEM of three independent biological replicates imaged. *****p< 0.00001 relative to scramble control (Scr).

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