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Fig. 4 | BMC Biology

Fig. 4

From: Monophyletic blowflies revealed by phylogenomics

Fig. 4

Phylogenetic topology compared between reconstructions based on datasets with larger (left) and smaller (right) taxon sampling. Numbers above nodes of the left cladogram are maximum likelihood (ML) bootstrap values of phylogeny inferred from the dataset Dref_Ltax of amino acid (AA), 2nd-codon positions (NT2), 1st & 2nd-codon position (NT12), and maximum parsimony jackknife value of phylogeny inferred from the dataset of amino acid (AA). Numbers below nodes of the left cladogram are ML bootstrap values of phylogeny inferred from dataset of AA, NT2, NT12, and MP jackknife value of phylogeny inferred from AA of dataset Aref_Ltax. Numbers above nodes of the right cladogram are ML bootstrap values of phylogeny inferred from dataset of AA, NT2, NT12, and MP jackknife value of phylogeny inferred from AA of dataset Dref_Stax. Numbers below nodes of the right cladogram are ML bootstrap values of phylogeny inferred from dataset of AA, NT2, NT12, and MP jackknife value of phylogeny inferred from AA of dataset Aref_Stax. The reddish boxes indicate nodes which conflict between analyses

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