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Fig. 1. | BMC Biology

Fig. 1.

From: Monkeying around with venom: an increased resistance to α-neurotoxins supports an evolutionary arms race between Afro-Asian primates and sympatric cobras

Fig. 1.

The effects of venom from the representative African cobra Naja mossambica against the nAChR orthosteric site mimotopes from seven clades of primates (see Additional file 1 for other African cobra species with congruent results). A Ancestral state reconstruction of the area under the curve (AUC) values of the binding of N. mossambica against the primate mimotopes. B Bar graphs represent the mean AUC values of the adjacent curve graphs. Statistical significance is indicated by matching letters with the colors of letter indicating the level of significance; brown p< 0.001, green p< 0.01, pink p< 0.05. C Curve graphs show the mean wavelength shift (nm) in light with binding of venoms over a 120-s association phase. The venom was tested in triplicate (n=3). Error bars on all graphs represent the SEM. AUC values were statistically analyzed using a one-way ANOVA with a Tukey’s comparisons multiple comparisons test comparing to the native mimotope. All raw data and statistical analyses outputs can be found in Additional file 2

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