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Fig. 4. | BMC Biology

Fig. 4.

From: Monkeying around with venom: an increased resistance to α-neurotoxins supports an evolutionary arms race between Afro-Asian primates and sympatric cobras

Fig. 4.

The effects of venom from the American coral snake Micrurus corallinus against the nAChR orthosteric site mimotopes from seven clades of primates. A Ancestral state reconstruction of the area under the curve (AUC) values of the binding of M. corallinus against the primate mimotopes. B Bar graphs represent the mean AUC values of the adjacent curve graphs. C Curve graphs show the mean wavelength shift (nm) in light with binding of venoms over a 120-s association phase. The venom was tested in triplicate (n=3). Error bars on all graphs represent the SEM. AUC values were statistically analyzed using a one-way ANOVA with a Tukey’s comparisons multiple comparisons test comparing to the native mimotope. A statistical significance is indicated by matching letters with the colors of letter indicating the level of significance; pink p< 0.01. All raw data and statistical analyses outputs can be found in Additional file 2

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