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Fig. 2 | BMC Biology

Fig. 2

From: Ex vivo observation of granulocyte activity during thrombus formation

Fig. 2

Granulocyte and platelet activators’ impact on granulocyte behavior among the growing thrombi.A–F Granulocytes from vehicle- (A–C) or MPO- (D–F) treated blood crawl among platelet thrombi in a direct manner: A, D—initial moment; B, E—10 min after granulocyte adhesion; C, F— instant granulocyte velocity. G–I Granulocyte and platelet activators alter the number of NCs per FOV (G), crawling granulocyte velocity (H), and slow NCs amount (I). Statistical significance was calculated with the Mann-Whitney test; green lines correspond to p < 0.05, red lines correspond p < 0.01, black lines correspond p < 0.001. Statistics were calculated over 20 FOVs from n = 10 donors. Raw data at Individual data values are given in the Additional Table 3

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