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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: Deviations from temporal scaling support a stage-specific regulation for C. elegans postembryonic development

Fig. 1

Quantitative analysis of development in 103 individual larvae. A Nomenclature of the different stages of development as defined by the luminometry assay. B Total duration of development, from hatching to adult ecdysis (I1 to M4) for 103 larvae at 20 °C. C Duration of each stage of development for the larvae in B. D Coefficient of variation for the complete development (I1 to M4) and for each stage independently. Each dot represents the CV of an independent experiment. Statistics show only significant results of one-way ANOVA. E Pairwise comparison of the duration of the stages for individual larvae. The line represents the linear regression of the data forced through the origin (0,0). For each correlation, the Pearson r values are shown in the relevant graph. F Pairwise correlation matrix for all combinations of developmental stages, including p values when significant. In all cases * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 and **** p < 0.0001

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