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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: ASC proneural factors are necessary for chromatin remodeling during neuroectodermal to neuroblast fate transition to ensure the timely initiation of the neural stem cell program

Fig. 1

Genome-wide mapping of proneural binding in Drosophila neuroectoderm during neuroblast specification. A Stage 9 bib-GAL4 embryo shows GAL4 activity in the cephalic and ventral neuroectoderm. B Close-ups in the neuroblast field in stage 9 embryos of the genotypes shown. C Strategy of staged embryos used as input material to generate the ChIP-seq datasets. D Heatmaps of ChIP-seq normalized signal over input centered on the proneural consensus peaks. Proneural consensus peaks, Zld occupancy, and gene annotation provided in Additional file 2: Table S1. E Genomic snapshot at the insc gene. F De novo motif analysis of the proneural consensus. G Heatmaps of proneural, Zelda binding, histone marks and poised PolII ChIP-seq signal centered on proneural binding events, grouped in two categories: Class I occupied by Zelda earlier during MZT and Class II, Zelda-independent. H Average of normalized ChIP-seq signal from heatmaps in G. Proneural consensus peaks, Zld occupancy, and gene annotation are provided in Additional file 2: Table S1. Motif enrichment analysis (homer) and genomic distribution of peaks (Pavis) of Class I and Class II proneural bound regions is provided in Additional file 2: Table S2

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