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Fig. 2 | BMC Biology

Fig. 2

From: Optimization of the antimicrobial peptide Bac7 by deep mutational scanning

Fig. 2

DMS of Bac71-23 site-saturation mutagenesis library. a Enrichment curves. Peptides are first ranked according to their antimicrobial activity (x-axis; from left to right starting from the most growth inhibitory) and then a running enrichment score for each amino acid residue at each of the four substitution sites is calculated (y-axis). Increasing y-values indicate the presence of that particular amino acid residue in the ranking segment while decreasing y-values indicate the absence. In all cases, the AUC is calculated, whereby positive AUC values represent an enrichment among more active peptides (left side of the x-axis) and negative AUC values represent an enrichment among less active peptides (right side of the x-axis). An example is shown for the glutamate (E) at position 5 (AUCE5). b AUC values for each amino acid residue substitution. Effects on antimicrobial activity are binned empirically: very positive (yellow; AUC ≥ 0.2), positive (green; AUC ≥ 0.07), no effect (white; −0.07 < AUC < 0.07 = interquartile range of all values), negative (blue; AUC ≤ −0.07), or very negative (purple; AUC ≤ −0.2). Black dots correspond to the Bac7 parental amino acid residue at each position

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