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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: Conformational dynamics in the disordered region of human CPEB3 linked to memory consolidation

Fig. 3

Residues 201–250 adopt three partial populated α-helices. A (Top) Schematic representation as gray cylinders of the three partially populated helices present in residues 200–250. (Bottom) One conformer with all three α-helices is shown; residues are colored: cationic residues (R and K) = blue, aromatics (F, Y, W and H) = purple, anionic (E and D) = red, aliphatic (A, I, L, M) = dark gray, amyloidogenic (N and Q) = magenta, hydroxyl bearing (S and T) = cyan, and proline = green. B 13CO (black) and 13Cα (blue) conformational chemical shifts (Δδ) of residues 201–250 at 25 °C. Note that the second α-helix which contains nine consecutive Ala residues has a relatively high helical population. Uncertainties in the conformational chemical shifts (Δδ) are 0.02 and 0.10 ppm for 13CO and 13Cα, respectively. C {1H}-15 N NOE ratios. Values shown in dark blue are of individual 1H15N resonances; those in light blue correspond to overlapped peaks. D R values reveal the ps/ns and µs/ms time scales. Significantly higher {1H}-15 N NOE ratios and R values are observed for these residues at 5 °C (Additional File 1. Fig. S10)

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