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Fig. 5 | BMC Biology

Fig. 5

From: Antagonistic effects of mitochondrial matrix and intermembrane space proteases on yeast aging

Fig. 5

Influence of mitochondrial dynamics on chronological aging. A Scheme depicting the different proteins involved in mitochondrial fusion and fission. Dnm1 and Fis1 proteins mediate mitochondrial fission while Fzo1 and Msp1 are dedicated to mitochondrial fusion. B Mitochondrial morphology changes during chronological aging were determined by fluorescence microscopy in 972 (WT), dnm1Δ, fis1Δ, and msp1Δ strains expressing Sdh2-GFP. Cells were grown in rich media containing 3% glucose and analyzed after logarithmic growth (Log) and day 1 of the stationary phase. White arrows indicate mitochondria arranged like beads on a string. Scale bar, 5 μm. C dnm1Δ and fis1Δ strains show enhanced longevity. 972 (WT), dnm1Δ, fis1Δ, and msp1Δ cells were grown in rich media containing 3% glucose. Serial dilutions corresponding to culture samples from the logarithmic phase (Log) and days 2 and 3 of the stationary phase were spotted onto rich media plates. D Analysis of mitochondrial morphology in mitoprotease mutants and mgr3Δ. Fluorescence microscopy images of 972 (WT), lon1Δ, yta12Δ, mgr3Δ, and yme1Δ strains expressing the mitochondrial marker Sdh2-GFP. Cells were grown in rich media containing 3% glucose and analyzed after logarithmic growth (Log) and day 1 of the stationary phase. Scale bar, 5 μm. E Classification of mitochondrial morphology phenotypes. Mitochondria from 972 (WT), dnm1Δ, fis1Δ, msp1Δ, lon1Δ, yta12Δ, mgr3Δ, and yme1Δ were manually classified into five categories: tubular, network, fragmented, polarized, and beads. Images represent an example of each category. Bar plots show the percentage of cells from each category during logarithmic growth (Log) and day 1 of the stationary phase (n > 100)

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