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Fig. 7. | BMC Biology

Fig. 7.

From: First characterization of PIWI-interacting RNA clusters in a cichlid fish with a B chromosome

Fig. 7.

pld6 B-copy characterization. a Coverage chart of the B− (blue) and B+ (red) reads aligned against M. zebra pld6. b pld6 gene dosage ratio (GDR) from B− (blue) and B+ (red) DNA samples (p <0.0001). The Y axis shows the GDR based on the ∆∆Cq method. c B-specific copy amplification. Wild is a nonmutated primer, and mut is a primer with a B-specific sequence that was found in the B+ genome sequenced reads. FB−, female without B; FB+, female with B; MB−, male without B; MB+, male with B

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