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Fig. 2 | BMC Biology

Fig. 2

From: Chromosome-level assemblies from diverse clades reveal limited structural and gene content variation in the genome of Candida glabrata

Fig. 2

Graph representing structural variation in C. glabrata strains. On the left, a phylogenetic tree of the 21 strains is shown. Indicated on the branches are the structural variation events that have occurred at each branch based on parsimony (see events on the heatmap of the right). Events with a - in front were detected in the opposite set of strains but inferred to have happened at the indicated branch based on parsimony. On the right, heatmap summarizing rearrangements found in the 21 strains of C. glabrata based on SyRi. The x-axis contains a list of rearrangements divided in duplications (D), inversions (I), and translocations (T). The y-axis contains the different strains, sorted by clade. Rearrangements are detected by mapping the strain genome against the reference C. glabrata genome and using Nucmer and SyRi. White squares mean that the rearrangement is not present in the strain whereas coloured squares mean the rearrangement is present. Squares are coloured according to the clade the strain belongs to and names of the different clades are placed on the upper part of the graph. Squares with an asterisk indicate rearrangements detected as duplications by SyRi but reassigned to other events based on phylogenetic consistency

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