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Fig. 4 | BMC Biology

Fig. 4

From: Genome-wide association mapping reveals genes underlying population-level metabolome diversity in a fungal crop pathogen

Fig. 4

Analyses of key loci identified by the metabolome-GWAS. A Manhattan plots of genome-wide association mapping performed for the metabolite Zt248 and B the metabolite Zt231 in a Z. tritici single-field population (n = 102 isolates). The red line refers to the Bonferroni threshold (α < 0.05). C Relative metabolite intensity and isolate counts based on genotypes (N: unassigned genotype). Colors refer to field collection time point of the isolates. D Expression of the closest genes to the focal SNP under culture conditions (same isolates as mapping population; upper box) and of four different isolates collected nearby over the course of an experimental wheat infection (lower box)

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