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Fig. 4 | BMC Biology

Fig. 4

From: Bromodomain-containing factor GTE4 regulates Arabidopsis immune response

Fig. 4

GTE4 promotes gene expression generally. A Principal component analysis (PCA) of RNA-seq data in WT and gte4 under control and Pst DC3000 treated conditions. B Volcano plots showing differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in gte4 under control condition. C Boxplots showing the expression levels of DEGs from B under Pst DC3000 treatment condition. FPKM, Fragments per kilo base per million mapped reads. ****P < 2.2e − 16; ns, no significance. D Volcano plots showing DEGs in gte4 under Pst DC3000 treatment condition. E Venn diagrams of DEGs in gte4 under control and Pst DC3000 treated conditions. F Box plots showing expression level of GTE4-bound genes in WT and gte4 under control and Pst DC3000 treated conditions. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences by one-way ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test among assessed samples (P < 0.01). G Venn diagram of overlapped genes between GTE4-bound genes and DEGs in gte4 under control and Pst DC3000 treated conditions

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