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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: Sex-specific expression of pheromones and other signals in gravid starfish

Fig. 3

Neuropeptidome expression in the sensory tentacles and other tissues and organs. A Expression of 39 neuropeptides [122]. Male and female expression profiles are grouped by tissues/organs. Left heatmap, quartile analysis of the mean transcript abundance; Q4, most highly expressed CDS; Q1, lowest expressed CDS; and 0, no expression was detected. The right heatmap illustrates the scaled (z-score) expression levels based on TPM normalised read counts. Star (*) indicates the significant differential expression between male and female sensory tentacles. B Expression level of RGP across the different tissues/organs. Males and females are grouped by tissue/organ. Values depict square root-transformed TPM read counts of RGP. The expression of RGP is significantly higher in the coelomocytes of both sexes compared to all other tissues (p-adj < 0.001). C Volcanoplot of 15,777 expressed CDS in male and female sensory tentacles. Grey dots depict non-significantly differentially expressed CDS, and black dots depict significantly differentially expressed CDS (146) (p-adj < 0.05). Highlighted CDS names: green, neuropeptides; red, transcription factors; purple, GPCRs. CDS with negative and positive Log2fold change are upregulated in female and male sensory tentacles, respectively

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