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Fig. 7 | BMC Biology

Fig. 7

From: Aedes aegypti exhibits a distinctive mode of late ovarian development

Fig. 7

Ovarian development in Culex and Anopheles and illustration of ovary development in mosquitoes. Confocal images of L3 (A, A’), wL4 (B, B’), or 0 h pupa (C, C’) ovary of Culex quinquefasciatus. Confocal microscopy images of L3 (D, D’), wL4 (E, E’), or 0 h pupa (F) ovary of Anopheles sinensis. Vasa (green), α-Spec/phalloidin (red), DNA (blue), and PH3 (white) staining. A, A’, D, D’ PGC mass contains PH3-positive PGC cyst. B, B’, E, E’ wL4 ovary shows terminal filament formation, fusome breakdown, and PGC mass breakdown. C, F Pre-ovarioles undergo proliferation and migration during the pupal stage. The dash lines in A, A’, D, and D’ mark the PH3 + PGC cysts. Yellow arrows mark the TF stacks. Scale bars in A (for A, A’, D, D’), B (for B, C, E, F), and B’ (for B’, C’) indicate 50 µm. G A scheme shows the processes of ovary development in mosquitoes, including unique PGC cyst-like proliferation and ovariole formation

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