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Fig. 5 | BMC Biology

Fig. 5

From: Gene expression differences consistent with water loss reduction underlie desiccation tolerance of natural Drosophila populations

Fig. 5

Desiccation-related physiological traits and cuticular hydrocarbon variation in natural European populations. A Initial water content in sensitive and tolerant strains (10 tolerant and 10 sensitive strains, 10 replicates/strain; Additional file 11: Table S10A). B Percentage of water loss during desiccation stress in sensitive and tolerant strains (10 tolerant and 10 sensitive strains, 4–5 replicates/strain, except one strain with 3 and one strain with 2 replicates; Additional file 11: Table S10B). C Respiration rate under control and desiccation stress conditions in sensitive and tolerant strains (three tolerant and three sensitive strains, 3 replicates/strain; Additional file 12: Table S11B-G). D Percentage of CO2 decrease (respiration) in response to desiccation stress in sensitive and tolerant strains (three tolerant and three sensitive strains, 3 replicates/strain; Additional file 12: Table S11B-G). E Relative amount of cuticular hydrocarbons in sensitive (gray) and tolerant (red) strains. Hydrocarbons that showed significant differences between sensitive and tolerant strains are depicted in bold (10 tolerant and 10 sensitive strains, 7–10 replicates except for one strain with 4 replicates; Additional file 13: Table S12). All boxplots show the median (the horizontal line in the box), 1st and 3rd quartiles (lower and upper bounds of box, respectively), and minimum and maximum (lower and upper whiskers, respectively)

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