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Fig. 7 | BMC Biology

Fig. 7

From: Polycomb group genes are required for neuronal pruning in Drosophila

Fig. 7

Ph is required for axonal pruning and Abd-B silencing in MB γ neurons. A–C Confocal images of MB γ neurons expressing mCD8GFP driven by 201Y-Gal4 and co-stained with anti-GFP (green) and anti-FasII (magenta) at wL3 stage and 24 h APF. White arrowheads point to the unpruned axons of γ neurons at 24 h APF as co-labelled by GFP and FasII. Axons of control MB γ neurons were pruned away at 24 h APF (A), whereas ph RNAi #1 (B) or Abd-B-overexpressing (C) MB γ neurons exhibited axon pruning defects. D–K Confocal images of MB γ neurons expressing mCD8GFP co-stained with anti-GFP (green) and anti-Ubx (D,E), anti-Abd-A (F,G), anti-Abd-B (H,I) or anti-Scr (J,K) (magenta) at 6 h APF. Somas of MB γ neurons are labelled by dashed lines. Ubx and Scr were not expressed in either control or ph RNAi neurons. Abd-A expression was derepressed in a few of γ neurons expressing ph RNAi, whereas Abd-B is derepressed in many ph RNAi γ neurons (indicated by arrowheads). L Quantification of the numbers of Ubx, Abd-A, Abd-B or Scr-positive MB γ neurons each brain lobe. The number of samples (n) in each group is shown on the plots. Error bars in all experiments represent ± SEM. Two-tailed Student’s t test was used to determine statistical significance for pairwise comparison. n.s., not significant, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Three independent replicates were conducted. Scale bars represent 10 µm

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