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Fig. 6 | BMC Biology

Fig. 6

From: Efficient prioritization of CRISPR screen hits by accounting for targeting efficiency of guide RNA

Fig. 6

CRISPR-Cas9 screening using v metric prioritizes hits in A375 melanoma cells treated with vemurafenib. AC MAGEcK results from the two analysis methods. A Schematic flow for analyzing hits from CRISPR-Cas9 screening using two methods. B Volcano plots of MAGEcK results using v (left) and FC metrics (right). C Top rank genes were selected through the MAGEcK score using v (left) and FC metrics (right). D Comparison of the MAGEcK score of hits between v and FC. BD Orange color genes were previously reported as synergistic genes with vemurafenib while red color genes were newly identified in this study. E, F Pathway analysis results using Panther pathway overrepresentation test (score < 0.09 from E) using E v and F FC. G Schematic figure of GFP competition assay. H GFP competition assay with GFP-labeled A375 cells ablated of indicated genes in the presence of vemurafenib. I Proliferation assay of A375 cells ablated of indicated genes. All data are presented as mean ± s.d. n = 3 biological replicates. JL Drug synergy score calculated by SynergyFinder in A375 cells treated with indicated drugs in combination with vemurafenib

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