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Fig. 5 | BMC Biology

Fig. 5

From: Hologenome analysis reveals independent evolution to chemosymbiosis by deep-sea bivalves

Fig. 5

Gene family related to symbiosis establishment and maintenance in Conchocele bisecta. A Schematic representation of bacterial recognition and immune response in C. bisecta. Both expansion and contraction events of gene families involved in these processes are illustrated, and the boxes that followed each gene indicate if a gene family has expanded (red), contracted (blue), or neither (white) in C. bisecta (right), Archivesica marissinica (middle) and Gigantidas platifrons (left). B Heat maps of significantly evolved Pfam domains implicated in recognition and homeostasis in the three symbiotic (Sym) bivalves (Conbis: C. bisecta; Arcmar: A. marissinica; Gigpla: G. platifrons), compared with asymbiotic (non-sym) relatives (Lutrhy: Lutraria rhynchaena; Mizyes: Mizuhopecten yessoensis; Modphi: Modiolus philippinarum; Pinfuc: Pinctada fucata; Cragig: Crassostrea gigas). C Left, phylogenetic tree based on amino acids of apolipoprotein H. Predicted Pfam domains for each gene are shown. Right, heatmap showing the tissue-specific expression (Gi, gill; Ma, mantle; Fo, foot; Ad, adductor) of ApoH (row-wise Z-score of TPM counts)

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