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Fig. 7 | BMC Biology

Fig. 7

From: aristaless1 has a dual role in appendage formation and wing color specification during butterfly development

Fig. 7

Aristaless1 is regulated by Wnt signaling. A Scheme for the phenotypic color outcome for both wild-type white and yellow butterflies. The hypothesized scenarios caused after exposure to the iCRT3 and CHIR00921 inhibitors affecting Wnt signaling is presented for both the white and yellow background. In it, we expect the white to yellow color switch following the reduction in Al1 levels caused by diminished Wnt signaling and the yellow to white switch following increase Al1 as a cause from enhancing Wnt signaling. Outcomes with respect to melanic scales are also shown as a read out from WntA activity. B Adult white wing injected at 3 days APF with iCRT3 and observed after eclosion. White square is shown as a detail view in C’. C Adult wing on the opposite side to the injection. D–E Adult right wing showing the effects of iCRT3 on melanic scales. Detailed view of the affected side (E) and scales are shown (E’). F–I Developmental validation of the iCRT3 effects on Al1 protein levels. The injection control (F) with 1 × PBS/DMSO is shown as well as the dorsal (G) and ventral (H) sides of a pupal wing exposed to the drug around 3 days APF and dissected 24 h after exposure to the agent. A different full wing with the same treatment is shown (I) with a wider area of effect. Severe scale size defects are visible in an amplified view from the white square (I’). J Different parts of an adult yellow wing injected at 3 days APF with CHIR00921 and overserved after eclosion. K Ventral side of a different individual treated in the same way. L, M Adult right wing showing the effects of CHIR00921 with respect to the formation of melanic scales. Details are shown (M). Asterisk showcases injection sites. In F–G, the injection site is on the left outside the field of view

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