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Fig. 5 | BMC Biology

Fig. 5

From: Epigenetic regulation of human-specific gene expression in the prefrontal cortex

Fig. 5

Histone-TF target regulatory network. A Colored curves showing the correlation between species-specific expressed genes detected in the ssRNA-seq dataset and their corresponding regulators. The gray areas show the expected by chance correlation calculated by randomly sampling the same number of non-species-specific genes and their coupled regulators based on 100 permutations. The x-axis denotes the Pearson correlation coefficients and the y-axis denotes the density estimation. B The percentage of gene expression variance between humans and chimpanzees explained by TF expression differences, or H3K4me3 and H3K27ac coverage differences. C The overlap of the human-specific genes that significantly correlated with TFs, or those close to H3K4me3HP and H3K27acHP. A–C Green, TF; orange, H3K4me3; light orange, H3K27ac. D Network visualization of human-specific genes regulated by TF, H3K4me3HP, and H3K27acHP corresponding to C. Genes marked with asterisks denote TFs highly correlated with human-specific genes. Red circle, human-specific gene; triangle, H3K4me3 (orange) and H3K27ac (light orange); green quadrangle, TF

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