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Figure 1 | BMC Biology

Figure 1

From: Systematic comparison and reconstruction of sea urchin (Echinoidea) internal anatomy: a novel approach using magnetic resonance imaging

Figure 1

Establishment of imaging conditions using specimens of Psammechinus miliaris. (A), (B) Comparison of two freshly fixed specimens. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sections at the height of Aristotle's lantern and digestive tract. Resolution: (81 μm)3, no contrast agent added. The two specimens show a high degree of similarity in their overall internal architecture. Arrows indicate paramagnetic gut content. (C), (D) Effects of a contrast agent on image quality. MRI sections at the height of perignathic girdle and lower stomach. Resolution: (81 μm)3. This freshly fixed specimen was scanned (C) before and (D) after the application of a contrast agent, Magnevist. Arrows indicate susceptibility artefacts. (E), (F) Comparison of a freshly fixed and a museum specimen. MRI sections at the height of gonads and upper oesophagus. Resolution: (81 μm)3. The 135-year-old museum specimen (F) gives imaging results comparable to the freshly fixed specimen (E). Both specimens were scanned with contrast agent added. Orientation: ambulacrum II facing upwards. Scale bar: 0.5 cm. ac, axial complex; al, Aristotle's lantern; am, ampulla; es, oesophagus; go, gonad; im, interpyramidal muscle; in, intestine; is, inner marginal sinus; l m, lantern muscle; os, outer marginal sinus; pg, perignathic girdle; re, rectum; si, siphon; st, stomach; to, tooth.

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