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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: The relative importance of kinetic mechanisms and variable enzyme abundances for the regulation of hepatic glucose metabolism – insights from mathematical modeling

Fig. 1

Schematic representation of the model of rat hepatocyte carbohydrate metabolism. The model contains enzymes involved in glycolysis, glyconeogenesis, and glycogen synthesis and utilization (ALD, EN, FBP1, FBP2, GAPDH, GK, GP, G6P, GPI, G1PI, GS, LDH, NDK, MDH, PC, PEPCK, PFK1, PFK2, PGK, PGM, PK, TPI, UGT) and transporters (ER < - > cytosol: GlcT, G6PT; mito < - > cytosol: MalT, PEPT, PyrMalT, PyrT; external space < - > cytosol: GLUT2, LacT). Enzymes (E) that are phosphorylated or dephosphorylated (γ) in response to insulin (Ins) and glucagon stimulus are marked by a yellow P, allosteric modification of enzymes is marked by a red A. The model contains the metabolites: DHAP, Fru6P, Fru16P2, Fru26P2, GAP, Glc, Glc1P, Glc6P, Glyc, Lac, Mal, OA, P, PEP, 13P2G, 2PG, 3PG, PP, Pyr, and UDP-Glc. The cofactors NAD, its reduced form NADH, ADP, and ATP are not treated as dynamic variables. GDP and GTP as well as UTP and UDP are generated from ATP and ADP by NDK. The physiological metabolic processes consuming Pyr in the hepatocyte during glycolysis are comprised into Lac formation and export. The rate equations are given in the Additional file 1. ADP, Adenosine diphosphate; ALD, Aldolase; EN, Enolase; ATP, Adenosine triphosphate; DHAP, Dihydroxyacetone phosphate; ER, Endoplasmic reticulum; FBP1, Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase; FBP2, Fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase; Fru26P2, Fructose 2,6-bisphospate; GAP, Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; GAPDH, Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; GDP, Guanosine diphosphate; GK, Glucokinase; GlcT, Glucose transporter; GLUT2, Glucose transporter 2; Glyc, Glycogen; G1PI, Glucose-1-phosphate isomerase; G6P, Glucose-6-phosphate phosphatase; GPI, Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase; GTP, Guanosine triphosphate; LacT, Lactate transporter; LDH, Lactate dehydrogenase; MDH, Malate dehydrogenase; mito, Mitochondrion; NAD, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NDK, Nucleoside-diphosphate kinase; P, Orthophosphate; PP, Pyrophosphate; Pyr, Pyruvate; PyrMalT, Pyruvate/malate antiporter; PC, Pyruvate carboxylase; PEPCK, Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; PEPT, Phosphoenolpyruvate transporter; PFK1/2, Phosphofructokinase-1/2; PGK, Phosphoglycerate kinase; PGM, Phosphoglycerate mutase; PK, Pyruvate kinase; PyrT, Pyruvate transporter; TPI, Triose-phosphate isomerase; UDP-Glc, uridine diphosphate glucose; UGT, Uridine diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase; UTP, Uridine triphosphate; 2PG, 2-phosphoglycerate; 3PG, 3-phosphoglycerate; 13P2G, 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate

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