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Fig. 1 | BMC Biology

Fig. 1

From: Increased paternal corticosterone exposure influences offspring behaviour and expression of urinary pheromones

Fig. 1

Assessing effects of Cort-treatment on social dominance and mate-choice attractiveness. A corticosterone treatment reduces male dominance as assessed by the percentage of wins in the tube test. % wins calculated as the number of wins per group in the total number of interactions. n = 16 per group, with a total of 64 unique interactions. B–D images adapted from Toth and Neumann [19]. In all of them, a female mouse is represented in the centre of a 2-chamber apparatus. In panel B, male mice from CT and Cort group are located at each end of the apparatus, alongside soiled bedding from their home cage. In panel C, male mice from CT and Cort group are presented without bedding. In panel D, only soiled bedding from CT and Cort cages is presented. E–G male attractiveness was not affected by corticosterone-treatment. Each point represents the results from one female mouse, n = 16 per group. A, E–G one-sample chi-squared test. *** p < 0.001

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