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Fig. 3 | BMC Biology

Fig. 3

From: Increased paternal corticosterone exposure influences offspring behaviour and expression of urinary pheromones

Fig. 3

Assessing effects of grand-paternal Cort-treatment on grand-offspring social behaviour. A–D the degree of social reward in male or female grand-offspring was not affected by grand-paternal Cort-treatment. Time and ratio of the time spent in the social-conditioned bedding. Males: n = 40/38; females: n = 44/38. E social dominance in male grand-offspring was not affected by grand-paternal Cort-treatment. % wins calculated as the number of wins per group in the total number of interactions. n = 24 per group, with a total of 96 unique interactions. F–H male attractiveness in male grand-offspring was not affected by grand-paternal Cort-treatment. Standard: n = 16 per group; Mouse only: n = 16 per group; Bedding only: n = 16 per group. A and C: 2-way ANOVA, data represented as mean ± SEM. B and D: Mann–Whitney test, data represented as median ± interquartile range. E–H one-sample chi-squared test. *** p < 0.001

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